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If you think that the Trans-Am 5 liter V8 ponies of 1969-1971 like the 302 BOSS is the ultimate machinery, think again! Here comes the really hairy horse: Dennis Leech of England went all the way at the national RAC races with a BOSS429! Yes, you got that right, the famous way too nose heavy machine that Knudsen had Kar Kraft build to get the BOSS429 engine homologuated by NASCAR. More about real McCoy Dennis Leech is to be found on the German PonySite and on the Autosport Bulletin Board!
When too much is just enough: BOSS429 roundy-rounder
By Social Media on 18 February 2010 | (0) Comments | Permalink
If you think that the Trans-Am 5 liter V8 ponies of 1969-1971 like the 302 BOSS is the ultimate machinery, think again! Here comes the really hairy horse: Dennis Leech of England went all the way at the national RAC races with a BOSS429! Yes, you got that right, the famous way too nose heavy machine that Knudsen had Kar Kraft build to get the BOSS429 engine homologuated by NASCAR. More about real McCoy Dennis Leech is to be found on the German PonySite and on the Autosport Bulletin Board!
See also : Ford | Motorsport