Looking for you NOW!
By Social Media on 10 April 2006 | (0) Comments | Permalink
Petrol-Head is moving places after being put on hold for some valuable thinking time. In the footsteps of its sister publications in France leblogauto.com (600 000 unique visitors, 1.3M page impressions and 3000 reader comments per month), it is now recruiting a team of 10 bloggers.
Petrol-Head has signed a major partnership with a well known European Sport TV Channel website(yes that one) to produce THE ULTIMATE CAR BLOG.
We are looking for talented writers (you don't need to be a journalist) who are passionate about cars, the industry and motorsport. Writing skills, a passion for cars and a sense of humour are qualities we're looking for.
The selection process starts now, write to us with a couple of original sample articles on anything relating to automotive news at ...
PS: We are also recruiting for dasautoblog in Germany, so if German is your language, feel free to use the same mail to apply...
See also : Weblogs

By lizrosier on 7 April 2006 | (0) Comments | Permalink
Growing up in the good old USA and with a family like mine, there has always been a certain amount of "auto-knowledge" expected. But, living in this big wide world of men and their toys has always been a little difficult for a woman like me. Being half girly-girl and half outdoors girl, it can be a tough life to balance. I abhor women who cry over broken nails or tan till their skin turns orange and rubbery. I like camping and don't mind going witout a shower for a couple days. However, put me underneath a car and I have a panic attack! I know how to do an oil change, but have I ever done it? No! I always resort to batting the eyelashes and asking Dad or the current boyfriend.
The men in my life have almost all been into race cars, Harley's and/or hot-rod's and I confess, I do like the look of a Fat-boy or the custom interior of an old Cadillac. An uncle of mine has a Charger he's racing at the Le Mans Classic in July (www.olympia-charger.com) In that light, I really have done my best to learn to understand what they're talking about! Most of the time I end up saying stupid things like, "What's a carburetor again?" or "Dad, why is my car making that funny ticking noise?" I must say, my guys have always been dilligent with explanation, but most out there just give the eye-rolling,"You're an idiot" facial expression and walk away.
So, here I am. I've been given this great oppurtunity to write about cars from a women's perspective. My goal for upcoming blogs will be to not only have fun and comment on the "pretty" autos, but also to actually learn something. Then the next time I see a hot guy with a sweet car, I can impress him with my "motor-skills", because after all, that is the single women's ultimate goal. Plus, being the opinionated girl that I am, I cannot wait to add my thoughts, photos, and even frustrations as I go along! Lastly, I ask the men reading this to have patience and give feedback not with annoyance, but knowing that there are girls out there who really want to understand!
See also : Weblogs